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How’s this for a weird day:
I wake up to a spider lazily crawling across my hand. I go downstairs to find Mackey, my cat, has vomited all over his food bowl. He’s looking very bored as he sits illegally atop our most precious Italian leather chair. I go onto my computer to check my email, only to find that all the information in the footer area of my website has mysteriously disappeared. My webmaster has also mysteriously disappeared, and no longer works for the hosting company.The weird day is now into full swing…..
I’m en route to an orthopedic appointment when a Sirius XM radio show about affairs comes on, and before I know it, I’m on the air, excitedly chatting with the usually arrogant host, even though I’m in heavy traffic and now late for the doc. I meet with the doc who seems like he’s stoned, show him the mysterious bump on my foot, and he tells me, no, contrary to public opinion, I won’t need a major, bone-shaving operation, I just walk an awful lot, here’s two cheap insoles, walk less. I get a rare parking spot directly in front of my building, so, for once, no need to walk. I see several clients, and they’re all having a wonderful week, no problems in sight (?) I find as yet unidentified brown, chewy things in my salad, but hungrily eat it anyway. I spend the next hour waiting to die. Nothing remarkable happens, except my fax machine won’t work. I go to my mailbox, and there’s nothing there, not even a coupon. I see some very big, strange thing swimming in the pond outside my window. (????)…… Later, my husband and I watch a movie we both like, and he actually stays awake for the whole thing!
Some days are just weird.
I’m outta here,
Susan Lager
PS. For more precious insights, check out this website.
PSS. What do you think happened to the footer?
Phone: (603) 431-7131
Address: Portside Office Suite, 19 Bridge St. - Unit 9, Kittery, Maine 03904