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For anyone who missed my 2/22/12 BlogTalk Radio show “Growing Through Grief” with Ashley Davis Bush, psychotherapist, grief expert, and author of “Transcending Loss” and “Shortcuts to Inner Peace,” I would STRONGLY recommend that you tune into the recorded show by going to the We had a record number of live listeners and callers because the subject was so compelling! We talked about how grievers can transcend loss, what the challenges are, and journey generally looks like. Callers shared their stories of loss and struggle, and Ashley helped them look at realistic expectations for the process, as well as some tools for dealing with significant losses, and getting to some meaning-making through it.
There are times when I wonder why I go to the trouble of dealing with such a time-consuming, challenging endeavor outside my day job, but not this time. I think anyone who has wrestled with grief and loss, (even if it’s been about a deceased pet), will benefit from this episode. Trust me on this one.
Susan Lager
PS. EXCITING NEWS! You can finally purchase original articles about various relationship issues on my website! The store is open for business at long last! Go to the “Products” page of this site. You’ll find useful tools for all kinds of relationship situations and dilemmas.
Phone: (603) 431-7131
Address: Portside Office Suite, 19 Bridge St. - Unit 9, Kittery, Maine 03904