Call Me Today! (603) 431-7131
Here is a post I just received and got permission to reprint from Cindy Giovagnoli, a wise old soul, world traveller, photographer, artist and writer. See what you think:
Oooooh, do I have a doozy of a conversation to have with you today!
Not everyone’s going to like this, but I think you’ll get it.
There is a single phrase that keeps popping up in conversations with friends and clients, and I keep seeing it written as part of social media posts and in emails from people and companies I follow.
And it’s a
big fat ugly lie that I want to address head on.
The phrase?
Which, of course, they absolutely are
I know what you’re going to say, and yes, a lot of plans and projects and ideas are indeed on hold.
But plans and projects and ideas are not our lives.
They are part of our story, of course, but not its entirety.
Not even a little bit.
Every day the minutes and hours continue to tick away.
There is no “pause” button happening right now. No one yelled “freeze!” and the world stopped on its axis.
Ask any human who has suffered the unthinkable and they will tell you that there is no such thing.
The world marches on. The seasons change. The days pass whether we agree that that is the fair thing or not.
But here’s the thing.
That is okay.
I’m not saying that it always feels okay, because it sure as shit doesn’t.
But it IS okay.
On a long enough timeline, everything is okay one way or another.
And here’s another thing. It’s the thing I really want you to take away from what I’m saying today.
You still have agency in your life unless you choose to relinquish it.
You have choices about how you spend each one of those minutes, hours, days- they are not “on hold.”
You always have and it’s as true now as it ever was.
Some choices have been taken off the table without our consent and we don’t like that.
Nobody does.
Of course we don’t like that.
But there are still
plenty of choices left there for us.
Feel whatever you feel— don’t shove your feelings away or pretend they don’t exist.
make conscious choices about what you
Those things are not mutually exclusive.
We can take ownership of our actions.
We can take ownership of our choices.
We do not have to relinquish the agency we have over our lives.
There is a lot in this world I cannot control.
The truth is that there always has been.
I choose to stay empowered.
I choose to
decide how I want to spend my minutes and my hours and my days.
Sometimes those choices will look “productive” and sometimes they won’t.
Sometimes those choices will be to engage with people or tasks that “distract” me from other things I want.
But the choices are mine to make and I will strive to make ones that best serve the life I want for myself.
I wish the same empowerment and agency for you.
Stay curious out there.
Phone: (603) 431-7131
Address: Portside Office Suite, 19 Bridge St. - Unit 9, Kittery, Maine 03904