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Hello Reader!
It’s been awhile since I’ve been “here” because I haven’t figured out how to get 36 hours of productivity, (and a bit of fun) into a measly 24 hour day, only 18 of which I’m awake. I always find this time of year to be very schizophrenic– warm weather, cold weather : cotton or wool? Gorgeous foliage, seasonal chores: fabulous play or raking leaves, removing screens, stacking wood, storing outdoor furniture, removing air conditioners, cleaning gutters, trimming the garden beds, bringing down winter garments, removing summer garments, cleaning the hot tub, painting the trim, repotting the annuals, cleaning out the garage to make room for the cars so when there’s 2 feet of snow we’re not housebound, changing the quilts so we don’t freeze to death in our sleep, “dressing the house” for Fall so if Martha Stewart drops by she doesn’t have a heart attack, paying quarterly taxes so the IRS doesn’t put me in a cell with “Bubba”, etc., etc……….
My solution? One measly thing at a time….. Chip away at the mountain, bit by bit, know that it will never be perfectly “done!” Imperfect action is better than none at all, and far less crazy than perfectionism. Today a client summed it up perfectly when she quoted her 90 year old aunt:
“Take it from me, sweetie, the first 87 years are the hardest, so don’t fret!”
Good night and good luck,
Susan Lager
PS. Go to my website, sign on to get free reports, and now my first newsletter with Featured Expert, Katherine Frick, discussing the uses of Mind-Body science for couples.
Phone: (603) 431-7131
Address: Portside Office Suite, 19 Bridge St. - Unit 9, Kittery, Maine 03904