Call Me Today! (603) 431-7131
Good Morning Reader,
I’ve been thinking about this issue of readiness for the coming year since I brought it up. Hopefully by now you’ve begun to reflect firstly on a particular relationship which feels a bit limp, and needs some TLC.
When you think about the strengths, be straight with yourself about whether or not you’ve done anything to “feed” them. If not, take a meaningful step by doing one thing to make the other person feel valued or loved. It may be a small gift, or an email or call, or an invitation to do something together soon, or just a conversation about why you care, and what you enjoy about that person. (Unless you’re disgustingly mushy, your friend or partner will probably love hearing something from your heart). Don’t assume they already know it. Even if they do, most people love “words of affirmation”.
Now think about the one or two problems you’ve already identified in this relationship, and your part in them. Be prepared to go into corrective action with one change in the coming weeks. We’ll talk about that one later……
Susan Lager
P.S. Keep an eye out for my new website (which should have been up and running in July, but I’ve been playing too hard this summer).
Phone: (603) 431-7131
Address: Portside Office Suite, 19 Bridge St. - Unit 9, Kittery, Maine 03904