Call Me Today! (603) 431-7131
Here we are at the end of another week. Has it been a loving one in your marriage or has it been the usual rut?
Did you kiss you spouse or tell him you love him?
Did you spend any quality time alone together talking openly about things that matter to each of you, or were you consumed with the kids, the bills, work, screen time or chores?
Did you make love or touch each other tenderly, or were you physically on separate planets?
Did you laugh when she said something cute?
Did you apologize after an argument?
If you answered “no” to most of these questions, then you might be in a marital rut!
You should NOT miss my next BlogTalk Radio episode tomorrow night, Monday, September 23rd at 8 PM EST! My co-host will be Ashley Davis Bush, a Huffington Post blogger, therapist, and the author of “Transcending Loss” and “Shortcuts To Inner Peace.” We’ll be discussing the goldmine of ideas for lasting marital happiness in her newly published book, “75 Habits For A Happy Marriage.”
You don’t have to go to the south of France to refresh your marriage. There are tons of small, everyday things you and your spouse can do to revive a wilting marriage or keep a happy one, happy!
Call in toll-free at 877-497-9046 to join us live on the air with questions or comments. We’d love to have you! If you can’t make it, go to The Couplespeak Relationship Forum on BlogTalk Radio, and you’ll find the recorded show shortly after we air it.
Happy marriage,
Susan Lager
Phone: (603) 431-7131
Address: Portside Office Suite, 19 Bridge St. - Unit 9, Kittery, Maine 03904