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Good crack of dawn, Reader,
Now here’s a topic close to my heart! When is enough, ENOUGH?
I am the queen of overfunctioning, thus we’re having these heart-to-hearts often in the wee hours of the morning when reasonable people are sleeping. Even my nocturnal sister says I’m a vampire. What I know for sure is that it can be challenging to set limits, and remember that tomorrow is another day. In my case it relates to enthusiasm and excitement about new projects or ideas, and boundless energy. For some people, however, it may relate to anxiety, perfectionism, or serious manic states. If you have difficulty stopping, you may need to explore whether there is a physiologic disorder, or psychological issue causing the behavior.
Women, who are so famous for multitasking, are often juggling too many balls in the air, trying to accomplish too much in one day. There’s also often secondary gain involved, as people around them may capitalize on having a Whirling Dervish in their midst. It may let them off the hook from dreary tasks.
One thing I have learned is to work at consciously doing LESS in any 24 hours– to leave more time to get places, to plan less errands, and to lop off some of my daily “to do” list on the front end. Ultimately, there’s greater satisfaction in Less done well.
Susan Lager
P.S. Stay tuned for my upcoming website chock full of ideas, articles, Ebooks and more.
Phone: (603) 431-7131
Address: Portside Office Suite, 19 Bridge St. - Unit 9, Kittery, Maine 03904